Innovative Infrastructure Enables Decentralized System
to Support Public Utility
Town Supervisors Make Clean Water Top Priority

Woodhull is a small hamlet within the larger township of Woodhull New York in Steuben County. For many years the town did not have access to public sewer infrastructure, leading to a growing series of environmental concerns and operational problems arising from the onsite septic system, which had been providing service to the individuals and entities in the hamlet since the early 1900’s.
Untreated or improperly treated wastewater from a failing septic system can not only contaminate groundwater and nearby water sources, but mosquitoes and flies that breed in areas where wastewater reaches the surface can spread infectious diseases. And the environmental impacts of runoff from failing septic systems can cause algae overproduction in lakes and ponds, which leads to fish kills.
The supervisors of Woodhull NY solved the operational problems and environmental concerns of their aging septic system by bringing public sewer to their town. The Modular Water Systems (MWS) innovative pump station solution was chosen for its three to four times longer service cycle, speed of implementation and lower cost. The project is unique in that MWS was able to save the contractor money on the Total Installed Cost while providing the Public Utility two Best in Class packaged pump stations. Our equipment replaced the originally specified precast concrete structure systems with heavy High Density Polyethylene plastic structures.
Regarding the pump stations, the project engineers chose a conventional approach in their original design drawing, which reflected their use of standard concrete construction. A local area product representatives reached out to Modular Water Systems (MWS) to consider alternate project solutions. After reviewing the scope of the project, MWS proposed the use of its EveraMOD™ packaged pump station as an alternative to the custom, field constructed, precast concrete pump stations. The general contractor was impressed with the completeness of the MWS proposed equipment package including the wet wells, valve vaults, and the innovative use of heavy structurally reinforced thermoplastic (SRTP) materials, a unique feature to the EveraMOD equipment line.
When asked to comment on this Woodhull, NY project, Modular Water’s Chief Engineer and General Manager, Daniel Early PE, said “I just hung up on the phone after speaking with a certain water company and this water company was following up on a mandate from this particular city in the Mid-Atlantic region that has instructed their consultant [engineer] to start working on budgeting and design for a packaged pump station using our Structurally Reinforced ThermoPlastic (SRTP) material.”
“The city will no longer use any concrete structures for their pump stations, too expensive to maintain and replace every 20 years. The city was aware of what we do and instructed their consultant to start work in that direction. The consultant called the water company, who called us. The key message is that the city is going to adopt this SRTP standard moving forward. This is a huge deal because once the first locality does this, the rest of the Mid-Atlantic region, will follow suit.” Then, as Dan says, “It spreads from there to other regions.”
MWS successfully procured an equipment order from the general contractor and delivered two completely packaged Pump Stations which included three pump stations structures, pumps, PLC (Programable Logic Controller) based controls and other ancillary equipment. MWS also provided mission critical engineering support for their installation and commissioning.
MWS delivered the twin packaged pump stations using advanced materials, achieving significant cost savings. Woodhull Township will benefit from an infrastructure system with a lifespan of 75-100 years.
Dan further said of the systems delivered, “Our ability to deliver a superior infrastructure at the least cost is our primary mission as we continue to challenge existing technology delivery and provide the ultimate in infrastructure sustainability.”

EveraMOD Packaged Pump Station Components
*HDPE = High Density PolyEthylene
HDPE Vessel Wetwell – 72-inch ID x 16’ D (double wall w/structural base)
HDPE Vessel Wetwell – 72-inch ID x 13’ D (double wall w/structural base)
HDPE Vessel Wetwell – 60-inch ID x 20’ D (double wall w/structural base)
- Aluminum Top – Single Leaf circular alum. hatch w/safety grate
- Inlet & Outlet Stubs, Electrical penetrations
- Flanged check valves & gate valves with weights and hand wheels
- Tank Vent -3-inch diameter mushroom vent w/screen
- Submersible Sewage Pumps – Goulds Non-Clog, 3 HP, w/ moisture & temp sensors
- Pump Bases – Goulds (epoxy coated cast iron)
- Guide Rail System – SCH 40 stainless with guide rail brackets
- Trash Basket – Aluminum with rail systems and lift chain
- Lifting chains – 20’ long, 3/16” SS with clevis hooks
- Analog Level Sensor – 4-20 mA SS bodied with protective cage
- Float Switches (back-up) Mechanical type, plastic bodied, w/weights
HDPE Valve Vault – 60-inch ID x 5’ D (double wall w/structural base)
HDPE Valve Vault – 48-inch ID x 6.5’ D (double wall w/structural base)
HDPE Valve Vault – 72-inch ID x 5’ D (double wall w/structural base)
- Aluminum Top – Single-Leaf circular alum. Hatch w/safety grate
- Inlet & Outlet Stubs, electrical penetrations
- Flanged check valves & gate valves with weights and hand wheels
- Pressure Gauges – 0 to 100 PSI, oil filled, 3/8” NPT
- Ladder – Aluminum type, bolted to wall
- Vault Drain – 2-inch DR-17 IPS (stubbed)
- Control Panel – NEMA 3R, w/PLC, HMI, Horn, Alarm Light
- Note: Control Panel has remote alarming
- Engineering Submittal Drawings & Installation Guide
- Mechanical Warranty – 3-year on submersible pumps & control panel
- Structural Warranty – 10-year on Wetwell Basin & Valve Vaults

Control Panel
- 304 Stainless Steel
- Arc Flash Protection
- PLC & Touchscreen
- Soft Starters/VFD’s
Electrical System
- Factory Assembled Racking System w/Roof System
- Main Disconnect
- Automatic Transfer Switch (when Genset provided)
- Surge Suppression Protectors
- Sub-Distribution Panel
Of the more than 21 million underground septic tanks used by American homeowners to cleanse and dispose of their human waste nearly half don’t function properly. And the majority of those are only getting worse. So, onsite, point of use infrastructure solutions which solve situations like Woodhull’s outmoded septic system aren’t just a good idea, they’ve become a vital aspect of developing effective and successful rural and suburban wastewater management strategies.
Modular Water Systems’ Structurally Reinforced ThermoPlastic (SRTP), prepackaged pump stations are a dynamic and game-changing component of its “instant-infrastructure” product line. They are revolutionizing wastewater treatment by helping enable decentralized, point-of-use capabilities for businesses and communities seeking greater water independence and autonomy, like Woodhull , NY.