About The Modular Water Systems™ Product Line

Revolutionizing Commercial & Industrial Wastewater Treatment

The Modular Water Systems™ product line is a radically different and disruptive innovation that deploys a manufacturing approach totally unique to the Water & Wastewater Industry in the Americas and globally.

Due to its cutting edge innovations and leading technology-based forward thinking nature, OriginClear has attracted a unique selection of Water Industry professionals and widely experienced business veterans which comprise a tightly organized and effective core team. A team that cares about the future of our planet’s most precious and valuable commodity – water, and are dedicated to the development and implementation of water treatment solutions that enable point of use, end-user autonomy and self-reliance. In truth, we are striving to achieve “water independence” for all people. 

Our focus is on designing, manufacturing and delivering superiorly engineered standard and custom water treatment products utilizing high quality Structurally Reinforced ThermoPlastics (or SRTP). This allows us to provide you with water and wastewater treatment infrastructure solutions that overcome the limitations associated with steel, fiberglass or concrete. 

Increased Service Life and Sustainability

With vessel service life lasting 75+ years, typically three times longer than conventional systems, SRTP materials represent a major advancement in the delivery and sustainability of  industrial water and wastewater systems. Our water and wastewater treatment solutions will reduce both capital and operating expenses dramatically.

Civil Engineers and Utility Owners are faced with the daunting task of trying to service an ever-growing threat to the environment resulting from deteriorated and failing utility systems. Implementing sustainability requirements into water and wastewater processing solutions has become increasingly important. The implementation of SRTP tankage offers the first real significant material advancement in the last 50 years that will overcome these serious challenges to sustainability.